Eva Frapiccini [1979, IT]

Op het eerste gezicht lijken de foto’s van de serie Muri di Piombo beelden van verschillende locaties in een stad. Maar uit de titel blijkt dat we kijken naar locaties van gebeurtenissen die plaatsvonden tussen 1976-1982, de zogenaamde ‘Loden Jaren’. Fotografe Eva Frapiccini keerde terug naar die plekken waar militanten van de marxistisch-leninistische Brigate Rosse (Rode Brigades) politici en zakenlui vermoordden en kidnapten. Met de lokale krantenberichten uit die periode als leidraad, bezocht ze deze op dezelfde dag van het jaar en ontspande ze de sluiter van haar camera op hetzelfde tijdstip als waarop de aanslagen daar zo’n derig jaar geleden plaatsvonden.
Milano, viale Leopardi n.161,

5.15 a.m. December 15th 1976

Vittorio Padovani, Sergio Bazzega, Walter Alasia

"...Three men have died. Forty-seven year old Deputy Superintendent Vittorio Padovani was killed, the head of the Sesto S. Giovanni Police station and father of four children, the last one born only twelve days ago. Thirty two year old Warrant Officer Sergio Bazzega from the former Antiterrorism and now Security Agency and the father of one child, also died service. And with them the young man who assassinated them also died, gunned down by police. He was twenty year old Walter Alasia, a former student and the son of workers from Sesto, and though to be a member of a nucleus of the Red Brigades... It was 5.10 P.M. when the police knocked at the door...no one answered. They knocked again: "Open, it’s the police. In the end Mrs. Ada opened looking frightened. The first to enter were to officers wearing bullet-proof vests. One went to the kitchen and the other towards the bathroom. Then Plantone, Padovani and Warrant Officer Bazzega entered too. Plantone took the living room and the other two men the corridor; they moved past the Alasia parents and walked to the room used by the two sons. They opened the door. Walter was in the room with his brother Oscar, still wearing his pyjamas. Walter opened fire immediately; one, two, three times, perhaps more... His brother was as if paralysed. His mother was in the corridor with her back to the wall, paralysed by fear. Deputy Superintendent Padovani and the Warrant Officer were shot. Staggering, they fell back towards the entrance. The Warrant Officer fell on the landing, leaning against the corner of the lift. The Deputy Superintendent leant against the wall and managed to walk down the five steps, covering the wall in blood and made it out to the path where he fell to the ground. And what did Walter do? There are two different versions: he threw open his bedroom window, only three feet above the courtyard and jumped out holding his gun. Seven or eight steps, running across the gravel in the dark. Then he fell, hit by the shots fired by a police officer down below. The second version instead says that he was shot in the courtyard...two stretcher bearers arrived in the ambulance...Suddenly the young man stood up and pointed his weapon at the stretcher bearers… The police officers fired again and he was mortally wounded..."

from “Il Corriere della Sera”, December 16th 1976